Welcome to the Elvis Presley Directory.


Why do we need another Elvis Presley Site directory ? Well thats a good question.

Back in the day when there were free site hosting from Geocities, and people all jumped on the band wagon creating an Elvis fan website, got their site listed all over the place on other fan sites and Elvis directories, all was fine.

Then came the realisation that it was a decent part time job just to maintain regularly. So many sites gave up, links from other sites therefore didnt work. So now there is a load of directories with links to sites that have vanished.

Current sites, like Elvis on CD, have a links page which have a load of dead links, which is a shame as we have lost some decent information.

Our aim here is to maintain a list of sites that are actually active and (hopefully) regularly updated, or at least have great information. At the top of our page is a quick links menu to great sites. Then down below in an easy to read list, is other great sites. These will be checked every month to make sure they are still active, and updating at least once a month.

Currently Echoes of the Past at http://www.elvisechoesofthepast.com/ isnt working. We have tried this site a few times over the last few months.